it's hard to be inclusive. the book I'm reading right now talks about why inclusion is the dificult choice to make. the author explains that exclusion is easy because the attempted relationship is ended. the person is excluded. the group is excluded. the idea is excluded. the community is excluded. once the person is excluded there is (generally) no further relationship. there is nothing more to do, especially for the party that did the excluding. it's easy to exclude. is that why we often choose to exclude? or are there other reasons? people are afraid of change, so it's often easier to exclude those that are different. people want to keep tradition, so it's easier to exclude those that want to change things.
inclusion takes much more work. it takes constant self-evaluation and discussion and compromise. it's got to involve communication and co-operation. there has to be love and tolerance. smiles and laughter. tears and hugs. steps forward and steps backward. give and take. back and forth. open ears and open hearts.
that's a lot of work! but so worth it.