Thursday, April 28, 2011

confession time here.

sometimes i just want to be anonymous.  totally anonymous.  just write about the things that really matter and the things that are close to my heart.  sometimes i don't want to have goals.  i don't want to be a success or a failure.  meet or not meet these aspects i've put forth to attain. 

totally not my other self.  not have to spend time taking pictures.  not measuring my progress.  not feeling pressure to meet self imposed posting requirements.  not counting comments or followers.

sometimes i just want to be what i think i am deep down in my heart.  just to be abstract and fuzzy and think big and make sweeping statements and let loose the words from my fingers.  i want to share my fears.  i want to put them out there and not rationalize or analyze.  just let them be.

sometimes i want to be as fast or as a slow as I want to be.  sometimes i want to be as sad or angry or fearful or happy or joyful as I want to be.  sometimes I want to be as long winded or succinct as I want to be.

confession time here.

this will be my place for all this.  or maybe not.

welcome to my world.